Over the festive season had a go a three main paths/bridleways – good exercise, even if cold at times. The Chalgrave church and the Conger Lane path form part of the Icknield Way.
Chalgrave church
The bridleway (CHA25) from Chalgrave church down to Chalgave manor has been a challenge to bring back into a broad path. During recent weeks we have focused on the section from the church beside the golf course down beyond the footpath junction. This is mostly grass which had become lumpy resulting in a narrow walked path. We have brush cut the grass so it should be possible for walkers and horses to walk side by side. The brambles along the golf course fence have been cut back to prevent them growing onto the path. Over hanging branches from the hedgerows have also been cut.
We plan to do more work further down the bridleway before the bird nesting season.

Conger Lane
The path at the end of Conger Lane was a former track that used to give horse and cart access to the fields at the bottom. It is now pleasant path in a green corridor. There are some sections that get wet and muddy, the cause of the water is a mixture of groundwater and poor drainage. Over recent years the vegetation has led to a narrow walkable path, this does onto help the path to dry out as it prevents the wind and sun getting to the surface. I started manually cutting back vegetation by the kissing gate in November.
Prior to Christmas the high winds caused a tree fall across the path. I cleared a path around the tree before Christmas, but subsequently cleared more foliage. A local resident with a chainsaw has cleared the trunk and some other dead trees. We have then gone with a brush cutter to clear some of the vegetation.
We now wish to continue addressing the drainage issues.

The Glebe
Continued the clearance down there as reported in previous posting. Generally taking out the brambles under the trees, this will give the trees a chance to develop unhindered in the spring.