Grove Farm


In 2020, as a result of Covid-19, the owners of Grove farm, Houghton Regis (east of Lords Hill) created an new preferred route for the bridleway through their land. They progressed this as a formal change. The proposed new route had some advantages in that it takes it away from the inhabited buildings, but it has a steep slope although this does give some impressive views across the valley.

The original proposal was rejected and a new proposal that retained the existing route from the farm to the Boundway but taking the bridleway south of the inhabited buildings. This has now been agreed and instigated.

Grove Farm
Grove farm BW

Informal Consultation (Jul 2021)

In July 2021 CBC have issued an informal consultation. The purpose of this consultation is to seek feedback from the community, prior to a formal consultation happening. It allows the applicant and the council to gain feedback prior to progressing a formal consultation. Anyone can respond to the consultation by 26th Aug 2021.

Photos (Nov & Dec 2020)

  • Grove farm gate on BW46 20201121