Conger Lane – mud

At the bottom of Conger Lane is footpath (TOD52) which continues on a former farm track down to a kissing gate. Over the recent months there has been work to clear vegetation and a fallen tree. Several sections of the path get muddy. The section shown in the photos has ground water emerging from the embankment which has made the path surface very wet. Recently a cut across the path surface into the ditch has provided a route for the water through the mud. This has revealed a more solid layer of gravel and chalk, so in the last few days I have been removing the top soil to reveal the solid base layer. It appears the top soil is years of leaf mulch on top of the solid base. I believe the solid base is the original surface of the farm track.

The photos below show the path last Wednesday (22 Jan) where the cut across the path and surface mud is evident. By Sunday I had cleared the surface mud off two sections. I am hoping that the rain forecast for the next few days will clear the remaining slurry of mud to further clear the path. In the meantime please take extra care, I have posted some warning signs either side of the work.

We will never completely clear all the mud, but hopefully this will improve the path. A more extensive drainage arrangement is also being considered if this does not resolve the surface water.