
Happy new year. Over the holiday I have created a new page under the Information menu describing “water” around Toddington. I cover two aspects:

  • Surface Water
  • Foul Water or Sewage

This was prompted by a recent planning application in Toddington village that would add further water into the sewage system in Toddington. I highlighted to Anglian Water that the system in Toddington is regularly overwhelmed such that untreated sewage is being discharged into the River Flit. After review of the situation they have changed their response to the planning application to an Objection.

Given the time I would like to find out more about a volume/frequency of the storm overflows, which result in untreated sewage being discharges into the watercourses.

Having researched various information I thought it would be helpful to the community to post the information on the website. If anyone is able to provide further information than please get in touch with me, see Contact.