There have been a few complaints about some of the urban paths obstructed by vegetation. Turns out the combination of changes of staff, policies and different CBC contractors has meant that some paths have been not addressed recently. So I have had a go at:
- TOD6 – Broughton Av to Manor Road – cut the nettles and other vegetation growing on the side of the path
- TOD8 – Broughton Av/Manor Road between the houses through to the field – cut the weeds
- TOD94 – Dunstable Road to Luton Road – cut the encroaching hedge
While cutting the Dunstable Road/Luton Road path some young children asked if I could remove the stinging nettles as they found them “frightening”. When I looked closer there were nettles on each side which did leave the path narrow at their head height – I hope they will be less frightened now!
Still more that can be done, but worth waiting for a while. Pleased to see that the dog bins at each end of the path have meant the dog owners have been good in picking up. Unfortunately that can not be said for the general litter (cans, bottles, packages, etc.) along the path, please don’t leave litter.