Dec 2018
Refreshed waymark discs on various sections of Icknield Way around Sundon/Sharpenhoe.
Nov 2018
Over several weeks a group of volunteers from Flitwick P3 have been toiling away in Toddington at the path (TOD74) and bridleway (TOD99) near the parish boundary with Chalgrave Manor. This is now a wide and clear path. In recent years a fallen tree and various other vegetation had narrowed the usable path. It is now back to a wide path. This is a well used circular walk by dog walkers and some sections get very wet in the winter to having the width available to walk will reduce the mud. Thanks to Ian and his team of volunteers.
Oct/Nov 2018
Refreshing Icknield Way way mark discs in Harlington and Sharpenhoe Clappers. Also clearing overgrown vegetation at several locations.
Two replacement way mark posts near Old Park farm between Toddington and Harlington on TOD54 & TOD55.
More way mark posts replaced on the path (TOD25) from Long Lane through to Lodge farm. Making the Lodge farm walk easier to follow. Thanks to Tim the gamekeeper and Ian for Flitwick P3 assistance.
Way mark posts replaced at several locations, including: Chalgrave (CHA21) on the Icknield Way path, the Glebe (TOD62/64) and at the top of the hill of TOD34 towards the M1 underpass.
Sept 2018
Various bits of clearance (like revealing finger signs in hedges) at multiple locations around the area.
A couple of visits by Flitwick P3 volunteers fitted four waymark posts and cleared vegetation from two bridges and a woodland by Lodge farm. We have also replaced two broken waymark posts on the Toddington/Milton Bryan parish boundary.
A visit from the Chiltern Society Conservation volunteers cleared a hedgerow of blackberries (very tasty they were too) before they cleared the hedge back. This made the path clearer and revealed two bridges and a way mark post beyond Alma farm
Cutting back bits of hedges on the Toddington/Westoning parish boundary near Harlington Wood End. Noting the clearance and new waymark posts fitted by the Ramblers recently.
Aug 2018
Cutting back vegetation on path towards Fancott (TOD61).
Cutting vegetation by the ‘little sewage works’ (TOD45), and various hedge lines on TOD51 & TOD53 back towards Toddington.
July 2018
Cutting back vegetation of the hedge lines on the paths along the Toddington/Milton Bryan border.
The Glebe – cutting back vegetation of the path (TOD62) beside the stream – more to do.
June 2018
Crowbush – the proposed CBC diversion was agreed this week. Details, incl webcast. Some objectors seem to miss the point that the route is well walked on an unauthorised route through the field, the definitive route through the gardens must be resolved to allow the householders to enjoy or sell their houses. The proposal moves the path to the end of the gardens to have minimal impact whilst allowing access for all to the recreation ground.
Brush cutting beside Chalgrave church and beside the golf course. Some sections are very overgrown so it was something of a ‘hack’ to make it more accessible. The BW is meant to be cut to at least a 4m width twice a year. More cutting further down the path and an encounter with two horses.
An Icknield Way walker reported TOD42 as overgrown, so have trimmed overhanging vegetation and stepped down the nettles – it should be cut in the next few weeks. One of the board walks has a broken step which I have reported to CBC.
Brush cutting on TOD34 & TOD35. The path is obstructed under the M1 at J12 due to rubbish dumped illegally.
Cutting of various hedges near gates and gaps to the south-west of Toddington.
May 2018
The pleasant weather has got us out again, although our dog is now too old to join us. Spent time cutting encroaching hedges and clearing bridges on the Lodge Farm walk and on TOD34. TOD34 goes under M1 J12 despite me disliking the graffiti, I have to admit some of it is very good.
I have a long list of waymark posts to replace – the yellow topped posts – so if anyone wants to dig some holes please get in contact. I have 6 posts waiting for holes!
After doing the work on the path beside Chalgrave church in Dec 2016 I appreciated the benefit of a brush cutter. Having done a formal course CBC have now provided me with a brush cutter to work on local paths. I used it over the late May bank holiday to cut back and ensure the width of the path from the church towards Wingfield beside the B5120 (CHA47). The brush cutter can make a difference very quickly. But still need to manually cut back overhanging vegetation with loppers.
Then after the rain the family and I dug two holes to replace missing waymark posts at the junction of TOD8 & TOD9 on the access to Herne Poplar cottages.
Feb/Mar 2018
The path (TOD60) between Bradford Road and Crowbush fields is finally surfaced. This has taken years to achieve. Initially the legal line of the path ran through the adjacent house/garden – this was legally moved. Then the budget was approved but continual changes of staff and CBC contractor has finally allowed it to be completed. Less mud!
Over by the railway TOD56 is a path which links two bridleways beside the railway. CBC own the part in Toddington parish, they have widened the path and used a stone and weed barrier to provide an improved path suitable for riders.