Not been able to post too much due to other life commitments, but here is some recent activity that you may already have noticed while out walking…
Over recent months been having a go to cut and widen the Icknield Way bridleway from Chalgrave church down to Chalgrave Manor. The bridleway is meant to be 4-5 metres wide. So been using the brush cutter to cut back the grass, brambles & blackthorn; and loppers & saw to cut back encroaching and overhanging trees. Had to consider the blackcurrants so delayed cutting back the brambles until they had passed their best. Cutting back the vegetation assists walkers and riders to use the full width of the bridleway and for the bridleway to get the sun and wind to help it dry out. Work will continue over the next few months.
The path between the Glebe and Dropshort Marsh has been cleared, except for a large tree, which can be ‘ducked under’. At the parish boundary between Tingrith & Toddington a waymark post has been prefixed to the fence.
The paths between Cowbridge (TOD45) and beside the Fancott (TOD50) have been cut back. At the moment the bridge of the bridleway (TOD49/TOD51) is formally closed by CBC due the the bridge damage highlighted in orange, although walking with care is still possible, or use TOD50 beside the Fancott pub.
TOD91 is the path that runs down to the Bridleway road (B530) opposite the motorway access road. Cleared the hedge by the roadside.