Today was the ideal weather for installing waymark posts, the ground was damp, the sun was out and temperature cool – spring has sprung! So we went and installed two posts on the footpath (TOD53) crossing the fields grazed by cattle on White Hart farm land. The path has a temporary diversion as detailed in a previous post.
I will use this opportunity to repeat the advice for walking with dogs. Livestock guidance for landowners from Central Bedfordshire Council. There is advice for walkers from the Ramblers below:
- Stop, look and listen on entering a field. Look out for any animals and watch how they are behaving, particularly bulls or cows with calves
- Try to avoid getting between cows and their calves
- Be prepared for cattle to react to your presence, especially if you have a dog with you
- Move quickly and quietly, and if possible walk around the herd
- Keep your dog close, on a short lead, and under effective control
- Remember to close gates behind you when walking through fields containing livestock
- Report any frightening incidents or attacks to the landowner, the highway authority, the Health & Safety Executive (HSE), and also the police if it’s of a serious nature
- Don’t hang onto your dog if you are threatened by cattle – let it go as the cattle will chase the dog and not you
- Don’t put yourself at risk by walking close to cattle
- Don’t panic or run – most cattle will stop before they reach you; if they follow just walk on quietly