There is one stile remaining in Toddington parish. This is on TOD33 leaves Park Road. The landowner had agreed to replace by a kissing gate in Spring 2021 but for some reason this has not happened.
The second to last stile was removed earlier this year. It is on the amended footpath in Fancott (TOD61) which I wrote a message about a few weeks ago. The following photos show the Walking 4 Health group trying to climb the stile in 2018 (see Oct2018 newsletter). Contrasted with the the now confirmed revised route. Today I also waymarked the revised route, so please now use the revised route. The new arrangement is far more open and accessible to users. It has taken a while to get here but I am pleased to see another improvement in the rights of way network finally come to a conclusion.
This is an opportunity to thank all the landowners and farmers across the area who have agreed to replace stiles. Back in the mid-1990s there were 65 stiles in Toddington parish, now we have one. The progressively removal or replacement with gates has enabled a much greater range of walkers to access our countryside. Back in the 1990s I realised that certain walkers with hip replacements, back pain, arthritis and similar disabilities were unable or unwilling to use stiles. Since then I believe there are far more folk out appreciating our countryside – which is wonderful. and makes all the effort worthwhile. Including the W4H group that would not have been able to walk many of their routes due to the poor state of many stiles. There is more about stiles on the stiles page.