The bridleway/path through Crowbush into Kimberwell (TOD58) has been an anomaly for many years. The Definitive Map shows the footpath running through the rear gardens of eight houses in Bradford Road. The 2019 proposal would take it out of all but a couple of gardens. It would resolve the legal anomaly that may cause difficulty for any of the eights houses to be sold. Alternative proposals to use the adjacent field edge were explored but rejected by the landowner. The 2019 proposals resulted in an unresolved objection, as a result the proposals were sent to the planning inspector in the summer of 2020 for determination. See details under Toddington on CBC website. In December 2021 the Planning Inspector published his decision to overrule the householder objection and to confirm the 2019 published order. Anticipate work to open up the new route and formally close the old route in early 2022.