Who to contact about a problem with the rights of way?
If you wish to report a problem (e.g. blocked path) or concern with a right of way then contact the Central Bedfordshire Council rights of way team with as much detail of location and the nature of the issue so the correct officer is formally advised of the issue. From June 2024 Central Bedfordshire Council are using FixMyStreet to allow reporting of “Rights of Way” problems.
Who created this site?
This site has been created and is maintained on a voluntary basis by Tom Chevalier, a Toddington resident. It is intended to promote the use of the rights of way in Toddington and surrounding parishes. I run my own business so can not always respond to emails promptly. If you have any time to assist in maintaining the local rights of way network then please contact me and we can inform you of any local activity. To contact me, please email: info@Toddington.Info
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